By 2030, Mui Ca Mau Tourism is a national tourism

The Prime Minister has approved the master plan for the development of Mui Ca Mau National Park, Ca Mau Province by 2030.

Mui Ca Mau National Park is mainly located in Ngoc Hien district and a small part of Nam Can district, Ca Mau province.

The boundary of Mui Ca Mau National Park is defined as follows: The northeast is bounded by Mui Ca Mau National Park in Nam Can district; Eastern District Road 73; The Gulf of Thailand is bordered to the west and the East Sea to the south.

To develop the tourist market, in the immediate future, to focus on attracting general visitors, mainly tourist sightseeing, exploring. By 2025, to attract high-class tourists, to resort tourism, eco-tourism, entertainment. In the period up to 2030, priority will be given to attracting high-class visitors.

With the domestic market, the market will continue to be exploited from Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces in the South East, Hanoi and northern provinces, provinces in the Mekong River Delta. Long. Expanding the market from other provinces in the Central and Highlands. Attention tourists to visit, experience, explore the natural landscape, sea tourism, island.

With international markets, priority will be given to target markets such as the US, Australia, North East Asia (Korea, China, Japan). At the same time, the markets of Western Europe (England, France), South East Asia (Thailand, Laos and Cambodia) will be expanded, with special attention being paid to sea links and southern coastal corridors. and focus on the market segment of exploring tourists, nature experiences, cultural tourism, beach resorts, yachts, entertainment.

Development of tourism products, development of special tourism products such as: Experience the extreme South of the Association of activities to visit, watch sunrise and sunset on the sea; travel calendar: ship zero; Explore Thailand with activities on the surface of the Gulf of Thailand or luxury yachts on the Gulf …; green marvel on the green onion on the green lang on the environment of the environment. sightseeing tours, specific eco-experience Mr. Trang.

In addition, the development of key tourism products, in which, tourism associated with nature: Special ecotourism of Mui Ca Mau National Park with activities: ecological experience, sightseeing chán forest, travel education and environment study; travel calendar of the community: referational occupation, scene of the host, life live birth of the inhabitants of Cape Mui; travel, excursion, ecotourism, picnic and entertainment; the sea level and sports tourism; history calendar: sightseeing, search history information; education media network.

Decision and the region configuration area Ca Mau Cape Land Resort. Specifically, the center of Mui Ca Mau National Park (in hamlet Dao Dao Tay, Hamlet, Kinh Dao Dong, Rach Tau Dong, Rach Tho, Khai Long, Dat Mui, Ngoc Hien district, argon 2,100 ha) the National Center for Tourism, the kernel center with the calendar of travel, central services, entertainment, nursing forests. By 2030, Mui Ca Mau Tourism meets the criteria and is recognized as National Tourism.

Main Zone Zone: Mui Ca Mau Tourist Park, forest eco-tourism, forest eco-tourism, eco-tourism village production and tourist complex Khai Long.

This community space (local of Dat Mui and Vien An Commune, Ngoc Hien District, area 3,850 ha) is non longer next Mui Ca Mau National Park, is a buffer and area building service center, community tour calendar, students, forest culture, river life.